Dank Protocol

Dank Protocol LSD- based revenue differentiation market.


Yields have similar volatility to token prices, rising in the bull market and falling in the bear market . The goal of Dank Protocol is to provide users with attractive yields by increasing yield exposure in the bull market and the risk of yield slippage during hedging bear markets.

Dank Protocol's revenue differentiation market is the best tool for users to gain stable risk exposure . In the fixed income market, holders of asset certificates will have the opportunity to earn additional earnings and lock in future earnings in advance. At the same time, it allows traders direct access to future earnings streams without the need for underlying collateral.

Users deposit the protocol as the basic collateral in the income protocol such as Lido, Rocket Pool, Compound, AAVE tokens, etc., to obtain the variable interest rate income of the protocol, and at the same time obtain asset certificates stETH, rETH, cToken, aToken, etc. The principal of the asset and the future redemption right of the income, Lido, Rocket Pool, Compound, AAVE and other income agreements are based on variable interest rate agreements, which cannot guarantee the exact future forward income. In order to hedging income fluctuations and maintain stable income expectations, Dank Protocol was created.

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